GUNZIP/ZLIB/Inflate Data Decompression

ZipAccel-D is a custom hardware implementation of a lossless data decompression engine that complies with the Inflate/Deflate, GZIP/GUNZIP, and ZLIB compression standards. 

The core features fast processing, with low latency and high throughput. On average the core outputs three bytes of decompressed data per clock cycle, providing over 15Gbps in a typical 40nm technology. Designers can scale the throughput further by instantiating the core multiple times to achieve throughput rates exceeding 100Gbps. The latency is in the order of a few tens of clock cycles for blocks coded with static Huffman tables, and typically less than 2,000 cycles for blocks encoded with dynamic Huffman tables.

The decompression core has been designed for ease of use and integration. It operates on a standalone basis, off-loading the host CPU from the demanding task of data decompression. The core receives compressed input files and outputs decompressed files. No preprocessing of the compressed files is required, as the core parses the file headers, checks the input files for errors, and outputs the decompressed data payload. Featuring extensive error tracking and reporting errors, the core enables smooth system operation and error recovery, even in the presence of errors in the compressed input files.  Furthermore, internal memories can optionally support Error Correction Codes (ECC) to simplify the achievement of Enterprise-Class reliability or functional safety requirements. 

The ZipAccel-D core is a microcode-free design developed for reuse in ASIC and FPGA implementations. Streaming data, optionally bridged to AMBA AXI4-stream, interfaces ease SoC integration. Technology mapping is straightforward, as the design is scan-ready, microcode-free, and uses easily replaceable, generic memory models. 


The core has been verified through extensive synthesis, place and route, and simulation runs. It has also been embedded in several commercially-shipping products, and is proven in both ASIC and FPGA technologies.

The core has been verified for interoperability with a number of software applications that use GZIP, ZLIB, or Deflate compression.


The core is available in ASIC (synthesizable HDL) and FPGA (netlist) forms, and includes everything required for successful implementation. The ASIC version includes:

  • HDL (Verilog) RTL source code
  • Sophisticated Test Environment
  • Simulation scripts, test vectors and expected results
  • Synthesis script
  • Comprehensive user documentation


The core as delivered is warranted against defects for ninety days from purchase. Thirty days of phone and email technical support are included, starting with the first interaction. Additional maintenance and support options are available.

ZipAccel-D silicon resources requirements and throughput depends on its configuration. Also ZipAccel-D performance can scale by using multiple core instances. 

Over 100 Gbps throughputs are feasible, and the silicon footprint can be less than 200k Gates. Contact CAST Sales for help defining likely configuration options and estimating implementation results for your specific system.

The ZipAccel-D can be mapped to any Altera® FPGA device (provided sufficient resources are available). The FPGA resources requirements and throughput depend on the core’s configuration. Also, ZipAccel-D’s performance can scale by using multiple core instances.

The following table provides sample performance and resource utilization data for different configurations of the core on an Arria10 device. The sample implementation data do not represent the smallest possible area requirements nor the highest possible clock frequency. Please contact CAST to get characterization data for your target configuration and technology.

Family /
Dynamic 512 135 7,348 ALMs 154,178 bits 3.24
Dynamic 1,024 135 7,470 ALMs 158,786 bits 3.24
Dynamic 2,048 135 7,334 ALMs 171,074 bits 3.24
Dynamic 4,096 135 7,329 ALMs 187,714 bits 3.24
Dynamic 8,192 135 7,378 ALMs 220,738 bits 3.24
Dynamic 16,384 135 7,360 ALMs 286,530 bits 3.24
Dynamic 32,768 130 7,385 ALMs 417,858 bits 3.12
Static 512 160 4,914 ALMs 25,680 bits 3.84
Static 1,024 160 5,012 ALMs 30,288 bits 3.84
Static 2,048 135 4,824 ALMs 42,576 bits 3.24
Static 4,096 160 4,862 ALMs 59,216 bits 3.84
Static 8,192 125 4,882 ALMs 92,240 bits 3.00
Static 16,384 140 4,917 ALMs 158,032 bits 3.36
Static 32,768 155 4,957 ALMs 289,350 bits 3,72


The ZipAccel-D core can be mapped in any AMD FPGA device, providing sufficient resources are available. The FPGA resources requirements and throughput depend on the core’s configuration. Also, ZipAccel-D’s performance can scale by using multiple core instances.

The following are sample implementation results for two configurations of the core on AMD devices. These results do not represent the smallest possible area requirements nor the highest possible clock frequency.

Family /
75 12,593 LUTs 23 BRAM Tiles 1.8
Kintex Ultrascale
200 14,761 LUTs 12 BRAM Tiles 4.8
Artix Ultrascale+
125 13,669 LUTs 12 BRAM Tiles 3.0
Kintex Ultrascale+
200 14,642 LUTs 12 BRAM Tiles 4.8
Versal Premium
200 16,791 LUTs 2 URAMs
0.5 BRAM Tile

Table 1: Implementation results for a sample configuration supporting both Dynamic and Static Huffman Tables, and a 32kB History

Family /
100 3,910 LUTs 9 BRAM Tiles 2.4
Kintex Ultrascale
325 4,328 LUTs 9 BRAM Tiles 7.8
Artix Ultrascale+
225 4,309 LUTs 8 BRAM Tiles 5.4
Kintex Ultrascale+
325 4,336 LUTs 8 BRAM Tiles 7.8
Versal Premium
300 4,363 LUTs 2 URAMs 7.2

Table 2: Implementation results for a sample configuration supporting only Static Huffman Tables, and a 32kB History

Contact CAST Sales for help defining likely configuration options and estimating implementation results for your specific system.

ZipAccel-D silicon resources requirements and throughput depend on its configuration. Also, ZipAccel-D performance can scale by instantiating more Huffman decoders and by using multiple core instances.

The core can be mapped on any Lattice FPGA provided sufficient silicon resources are available. The following are sample implementation results for two different configurations of the core on a CertusPro-NX and an Avant-E device, and do not represent the smallest possible area requirements nor the highest possible clock frequency.

Family /
LFCPNX-100 (-9)
Static 32,768 82 9,153 Slices 24 EBR 1.97
Dynamic 32,768 77 26,099 Slices 29 EBR 1.85
LFCPNX-100 (-1)
Static 32,768 125 6,308 Slices 12 EBR 3.00
Dynamic 32,768 100 15,365 Slices 17 EBR 2.40


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Features List

Compression Standards 

  • ZLIB (RFC-1950)
  • Inflate/Deflate (RFC-1951)
  • GZIP/GUNZIP (RFC-1952)

Inflate/Deflate Features

  • Up to 32KB history window size
  • All Deflate block types 
    • Static and dynamic Huffman-coded blocks
    • Stored Deflate blocks 

High Performance & Low Latency 

  • Three bytes per clock average processing rate, for throughputs exceeding 20Gbps in modern ASIC technologies, and scalable to more than 100Gbps with multiple core instances
  • Latency from 20 clock cycles for Static Huffman blocks, and typically less than 2000 cycles for Dynamic Huffman Blocks 

Easy to Use and Integrate

  • Processor-free, standalone operation  
  • Extensive error-catching & reporting for smooth operation and recovery in the presence of errors
    • Header syntax errors
    • CRC/Adler 32 errors
    • File size errors
    • Coding errors
    • Huffman tables errors
    • Non-correctable ECC memory errors
  • Optional ECC memories  
  • Streaming AXI-Stream or native FIFO-like data interfaces
  • Microcode-free, LINT-clean, scan-ready design
  • Complete, turn-key accelerator designs available on FPGA boards from different vendors

Configuration Options

  • Synthesis-time configuration options allow fine-tuning the core’s size and performance (partial list):
    • Input and output bus width
    • FIFO Sizes
    • Maximum history window
    • Static-only, or dynamic and static Huffman tables support


Applicable Standards
RFC 1952 – GZIP file format
 RFC 1950 – ZLIB Compressed Data Format
• RFC 1951 – DEFLATE Compressed Data Format
Background & More Info
Data Compression in Solid State Storage, presentation at Flash Memory Summit 2013 (PDF)
• Wikipedia entries on GZIP, ZLIB, and Deflate
• An explanation of the Deflate algorithm by Antaeus Feldspar
GZIP Project website
ZLIB Project website

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