Building TSN Ethernet networks with CAST IP is now easier with a new multi-port capability on our Switch IP core and recent webinar videos with design tips for achieving ultra-low latency TSN networks.
CAST's Peter Dumin shares insights into the growth of TSN and how — working with our partner Fraunhofer IPMS — we strive to facilitate this growth with verified yet evolving and improving TSN IP cores.
A versatile, easy-to-integrate IP core that provides a quick way to implement a Direct Memory Access (DMA) engine that connects a core’s AXI4-Stream data interfaces to system memory through an AMBA® AXI4 bus matrix.
Delivering the CAST IP experience to Bigstream with the right silicon IP core, flexible licensing, and excellent pre- and post-sales technical support.
Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Ethernet endpoint controller cores gain Frame Preemption for highly-demanding real-time operation and a Linux Driver for easier Linux system development.
The CAST UDPIP core implements a UDP/IP hardware protocol stack that enables high-speed communication over an Ethernet Link. Besides the UDP and IPv4, there are also additional protocols implemented in the core (ARP/ICMP/IGMP/DHCP). The UDPIP core...
In this column, security and real-time performance are indispensable for networks required in the IoT era. As one solution, we will introduce TSN, which is a new network standard that gives Ethernet real-time performance. (In Japanese, with link to...
CAST chairman Hal Barbour is interviewed by Chip Estimate's Sean O'Kane, covering the company's uniquely successful past, current digital IP product highlights, and independent future.
The GEON™ Security Platform provides an efficient IP solution for SoC protection with a suite of interoperating security modules that establish a hardware root of trust.
We recently had the pleasure of celebrating CAST’s twenty-fifth year in operation. We've been focused on reusable silicon intellectual property through this whole period, though the terminology and certainly the industry has changed over time: we...
This presentation given at the REUSE 2017 conference describes how reliable silicon and software IP with the right features is key for the timely design of today's complex automotive electronics.